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2631 Highwood Blvd, Smyrna, TN 37167
Hosted by Hilton Garden Inn

Join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM

2631 Highwood Blvd, Smyrna, TN 37167
Hosted by Hilton Garden Inn

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We want you to show up every week with the expectation of:
  • AN ENCOUNTER with the entirety of God and who He is to us in all three Persons.
  • AN ASSURANCE, whether it’s the first time or the hundredth time, that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the Father is through Him.
  • AN INFUSION of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to go out into our communities and minister the Gospel to everyone we encounter.

This is why we exist as THE CHURCH, but also why we exist as Pinnacle Church. There is nothing more important to us than being a catalyst through which God can work out His plan and our purpose in this world.

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Our Pastors Nate and Kala Sipple have a passion for the local church and its mission. Their vision is to create a life-giving church, built on the foundations of scripture, committed to spreading the Gospel and bringing those who are far from God into a relationship with Him.

Let’s Get Coffee:

I’d love to meet you, hear your story and find out how Pinnacle Church could make an impact in your life. Click the link to schedule a time that is convenient for you, and I’ll meet you at your favorite coffee shop in the area.

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Relationships are key

Our relationship with Jesus is top priority, we love our families and our community

Understanding is valuable

Understanding who God is, who we are in Him, and what His Word says is valuable

Our purpose is special

Our purpose and His plan for our lives is meaningful.

Relationship with Jesus | Understanding God | Your Purpose

What We Believe

Although our approach is modern, what we believe is tried and true. Our methods may change, but these are the foundational beliefs we’ll always hold on to as a church.

We believe that the scriptures of both Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible revelation of God to man and the authority of faith and conduct. We believe men were moved by the Spirit of God to write the very words of Scripture. Therefore, we believe the Bible is without error.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death and resurrection, and ascension to the Father.

We believe that all people were created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him but became alienated in that relationship through sinful disobedience.

As a result, people are incapable of regaining right relationship with God through their own efforts. Man’s only hope is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the only way for the forgiveness of sin. God freely offers salvation to those who place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for their sin. Salvation is by faith through grace and demonstrated in repentance.

Salvation cannot be earned; It is a gift from God. Divine healing is provided for today by the Scriptures and included in the atonement for our sins.

We believe in the universal church, the body of Christ, of which Jesus is the head. The members of the church are those who have trusted by faith in the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him, obeying Him, and bringing the gospel to the world. The church is the representative of Jesus on earth and is to carry out the Great Commission.

We believe in the personal, visible return of Christ to the earth and the establishing of His kingdom, in the resurrection of the body, and the final judgment. The resurrection of the just is the blessed hope of the body of Christ. We believe that our eternal destination of either heaven or hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that because God our Creator established marriage as a sacred institution between one man and one woman, the idea that marriage is a covenant only between one man and one woman has been the traditional definition of marriage for all human history.

Pinnacle cares

2nd Harvest | LOCAL

Partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee to help provide food for kids that are hungry. We have children in our community that are in need, and food insecurity is a major problem. We can be a part of putting an end to child hunger.



Linked international network of churches. This is our relational network and also the network that helped us to found Pinnacle Church. We give back to them in an effort to keep planting more life-giving churches all over the world.


Nolan & Hannah | GLOBAL

Serving overseas since 2001, they have lived in Denmark, Belgium, France and now Israel. Working with different “Business as Mission” initiatives in their community to be the hands and feet of Jesus with less than 2% of Jewish people know Jesus!

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Get Involved

We have been invited to be part of the story he is telling and our role is to serve others. Join a team today to begin making a difference and find your purpose while serving others. We can all play a part in what God is doing no matter our age or background.

Join a team today to begin making a difference.

There is a place for everyone.

Contact for more info

If you have any questions or would like special prayer, please fill out the form and we’ll reach out to you.
